
Juliet, 36yrs

Finally a health book that makes it easy to understand my body, and have plenty of laughs along the way!

Sarah, 24yrs

So wild that my chronic iron deficiency is not a sign that I'm broken and I can do something about it!!!

What's My Body Telling Me?

Your body isn't the problem. It's the solution. 

Has your doctor ever told you “There’s nothing wrong with you”, but deep down you’ve got a feeling that something isn’t quite right? You experience period pain, constipation, brain fog, hormonal imbalance, persistent weight gain and anxiety and think, what the f*ck is wrong with me? Over time, ignoring or masking these symptoms leads to chronic conditions like cancer, type 2 diabetes, IBS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis or autoimmune disease.

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Your Body Isn't the Problem. It's the Solution

In What’s My Body Telling Me? Women’s health expert Dr. Anthea Todd combines her expertise across energetic, functional, and medical fields to give you what you’ve been craving. A simple guide to know how to listen to your body and what the f*ck to do next — no matter how big or small the symptom.

đź’Ą How your stretch marks are hinting at the cause of your hormone imbalance.

đź’Ą Why you should pay attention to the cracks in your tongue.

💥 Why people pleasers often develop autoimmune diseases.

💥 The simple steps to take when your blood tests say there is nothing wrong with you.

💥 How to use your body as a guide to never get sucked into a health fad again.

Hilariously relatable, enlightening, and drawing on Dr Anthea’s pioneering Female Fundamentals framework, this book is bursting with tips that can drastically and immediately improve your life, no matter your age.

Your body has never been the problem, it’s the solution.

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You'll learn why...

đź’Ą You're still experiencing symptoms even though your tests say everything is normal

đź’Ą Your hormone imbalances are really just a symptom of an imbalance in your 4 Female Fundamentals

💥 You feel like caring for your health feels like a second full time job

đź’Ą Common symptoms like PMS, bloating and clumps of hair falling out into the drain aren't normal




đź’Ą What the 4 Female Fundamentals are and how to look after them

💥 Why getting hooked on popular health fads is doing more harm than good, and how to never get sucked in again.

đź’Ą How your unconscious beliefs are shaping your current health.



💥 Connected to your body.

đź’Ą Relieved and clear on how to care for your body.

💥 Certain that you know how to support your body, and what type of support you may need.

đź’Ą Like your body is the solution. Not the problem.


Your Body is Your Best Doctor


"Nobody puts it all together. Until now. Incredibly simple and funny!"

Dr Anthea's book gives you a wonderful step by step guide to work out what is going on with your body, what your body is telling you and how to listen to it. Then she gives you a pathway back to health. She is the voice I have been looking for, knowledge, expertise, intuition and an unbelievable ability to make things that seem impossibly hard to understand simple and easy to "just get". 


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About Dr Anthea

DR. ANTHEA TODD, D.C. founded Female FundamentalsTM after observing her female patients’ struggles in the complex healthcare system.
Her mission is to simplify and add fun to female healthcare. With a background in chiropractic, dual Masters in women’s health medicine and reproductive medicine, and expertise in functional neurology, functional medicine, cardiometabolic health, gastrointestinal health, immuno-hormonal health, bioenergetics, and neuro-emotional technique.
She’s reshaping women’s health. Her goal is to empower women and professionals to see their bodies as the solution, not the problem; emphasising that the magic we seek is within.

She works 1:1 with women, speaks, writes, creates programs, memberships and other resources for women and trains practitioners across a variety of skillsets in how to listen to the female body. Ultimately arming women with information and tools and creating more practitioners who can give women 'lost in the space between' the care they've been craving.